Watch out bitch! Now, I’m jealous!


In response to The Daily Prompt, Green-Eyed Monster

We all get jealous from time to time — what wakes the green-eyed monster for you?


Ah, jealousy. What a wonderful little reminder of all our shortcomings. We all get jealous sometimes. Someone is always going to be cuter than we are. They might be smarter than we are. They might have more money than we do. They’re thinner, taller, or shorter, have straight hair, or have curly hair. You name it and we can be jealous over it. It seems we always want what we don’t have. What I most often get jealous about is a person’s outgoing personality.

When I was younger, I was very quiet and shy. I’ve come a long way since then. But, I can still be quiet. I’m not that shy anymore, just quiet. I never developed the skills to start conversations or to keep a conversation going for that matter. Some people have the skills to talk about anything and everything. Their “small talk” abilities are outrages. Rob, my husband, is one of those people

Unbeknownst to me, everything I mentioned above, have nothing to do with jealousy at all. Apparently, when you look at someone and sneer because they have the kind of car you want, you are be envious. I really never knew there was a difference. But, a according to Psychology today, apparently there is.

Psychology today describes the differences as such:

Envy occurs when we lack a desired attribute enjoyed by another.

Jealousy occurs when something we already possess (usually a special relationship) is threatened by a third person

And so envy is a two-person situation whereas jealousy is a three-person situation. Envy is a reaction to lacking something. Jealousy is a reaction to the threat of losing something (usually someone).

I guess you can just call me lucky then. Because, I’ve got both bases covered. Whenever Rob and I go out socializing, Rob can spread himself around. He could go from talking about butterflies with some girl, to talking about The Simpsons with some dude. I, on the other hand, will latch on to someone with whom I have something in common with.

Sometimes I’ll get a little envious, and wish I could be more like him. Other times, I’ll be content. Then, at times, there’s another situation that occurs. Rob will be running around, talking to everyone, and some guy decides to latch on to him. The guy will start flirting. Then, watch out bitch! Now, I’m jealous!

Green-Eyed Monster

Namaste JoeDon’t Forget To Subscribe

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Jose Cosme

Originally from Bronx, New York, Joe is no stranger to adversity. Having studied many philosophies, he has triumphed over these adversities and has helped others do the same. Professionally, Joe has had the rich experience of working with people with disabilities as he helped them reach their fullest potential. Now, as the creator of the "What I Gotta Say About It" blog, Joe continues to influence the world as he helps people to realize their highest potential and to reach for the unlimited possibilities available to us all.

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